Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 09:42:17 -0000 From: "rlove607" Subject: Making Dasher talk & Other thoughts Making Dasher talk. Margaret Cotts posted something on making Dasher talk with macros. I read over her instructions and decided to try it. Great idea Margret! David Norwood posted the link to Autoit and I used it to make some macro exe's. I used Readplease 2003 for speech and also made one that uses Onscreens TTS engine. I figured that would simplify getting the programs to work together. One exe (SETTALK) opens Dasher & Readplease and creates a text file on the desktop, then points both programs to use that file. The other exe (DASHTALK) takes what you've written with dasher and saves it into the text file, then opens that file in readplease and reads it. Like Margret said it's not perfect, theres a slight delay but hey it works. The only catch is Dasher & Readplease MUST be in their default directories. If anyone wants to try the macro sets they are on my website. Let me know if they work for you, i've only tested them with windows ME. Ronnie Love (PALS) I downloaded and tested Dasher after Kyle posted the link in Living with ALS group. What a concept, words that come to you instead of looking for letters on an onscreen keyboard! I think it has so many applications just waiting to be discovered. I can't wait to see the finished version. I downloaded the preview of 3.0 just to see what was added. The ability to have the letters come from any direction is good. I have ALS and use a head tracking device to type. It is faster to move side to side and less stress on the neck. However I found that turning up the speed on Naturalpoint (my tracking device) made a huge difference in ease of use. It's logical to me that the letters / words come from the right as in version 1.6.8 but having the option to change that, great addition.