HiddenPage Commentary
[count to 3] This is Dasher's display. You are about to watch Dasher being used to write "hello how are you". On the right are the letters of the alphabet, arranged in order, with an underscore at the bottom to stand for a space. As the mouse-arrow moves to the right, the letters scroll across the screen. Each letter is in a box. In each box is another complete alphabet, and within each letter of those alphabets is another alphabet, and so on. The key part of Dasher is that the size of the letters' boxes depends on how likely each letter is to be chosen next, based on what you've written so far. Unlikely letters are often too small to show, which is why the alphabets within boxes can appear to be incomplete. Likely letters have big boxes, so it's easy and quick to select the next letters most of the time. Once you've started to write the first one or two letters of a common word or phrase, the software often predicts as far as the next whole word, which makes it even easier and quicker to write. The further the arrow is to the right, the faster the letters move. You slow down by moving to the left. You select letters by moving the pointer up or down. It's like steering. If you can't see the letter you want, just steer towards where it would be in the alphabetical order. It appears soon enough. It's fun to use! And remember, this demonstration was slowed down to make it easy to see how Dasher works. After a little practice you can write much faster.