Button Dasher
Notes on the new subroutines added to Dasher for button mode
Mon 9/8/04
The core zooming function of regular Dasher
involves the following sequence of subroutines[in files shown]
-> TapOnDisplay [DasherViewSquare]
-> Tap_on_display[DasherModel]
-> Render
-> NewFrame
With the new button modes, we mimic the above sequence by calling
which calls
-> PlanGoTo [DasherViewSquare]
-> PlanGoTo [DasherModel]
Loop through iSteps{
-> StepGoTo [DasherViewSquare]
-> NewGoTo [DasherModel]
-> Render
-> Display
-> FinalGoTo [DasherViewSquare]
-> NewGoTo [DasherModel]
-> Render
-> Display
More notes on static one-button mode
It is important that we exploit the full accuracy
of the user's click timing. It is very likely that
their accuracy is similar to, or possibly even smaller
than, the time between successive renderings of the
falling pointer.
It's thus essential, I think, that we keep track of the
actual TIME of the click event, relative to the last
rendering time, in order to get SUPERRESOLUTION of
the mousey coordinate.
So the code should look something like this:
set pointer coordinate
render the pointer at y1
note the time t1
decide where the next pointer will be rendered y2, and
estimate the time t2 at which that will happen
IF ( click event happens )
Note time t at which click event happened
y = (t-t1) * y2 + (t2-t) * y1
Initiate zoom in on location y.
(Special case event handling:
if t>t2, declare t=t2, before doing the y formula;
and if a click occurs before we have rendered the first
pointer at y1=CANVAS_TOP, declare y=CANVAS_TOP)
During a zoom:
When the above computation of "y" has occurred, I think it will
be very helpful to the user to see visualized on the screen a
splat mark that shows WHERE Y WAS. That way, they will learn
whether they clicked earlier or later than they intended.
I think a good way to do this will be to create a new routine
called draw_splat_at_dasher_coordinate_y(dashery) .
The way this will work is:
when the zoom is initiated, my GoTo routine, which
receives dashery (which has been put through screen2dasher)
remembers that dashery value, and, every time it does a Render
and Display, it will also Draw a splat object (which should
be an object that looks just like the pointer arrow object, except
maybe it could have a different colour, like red) at that
dashery coordinate (appropriately mapped through dasher2screen).
Because a zoom is busy happening, the
splat object won't be rendered at the same canvas y coordinate
as the click happened - indeed, during the zoom, it will be
rendered at a sequency of positions that drift to the CENTRE
of the screen, because of the zoom being a zoom-in-on y.
I'd like there to be two objects, a splat object
that GoTo knows about and renders, and the regular bouncing pointer, which
is not rendered during the zoom event (or else is rendered at
CANVAS_TOP during every frame of the zoom), and which is another piece
of code's responsiblity.
The regular bouncing pointer should be reset to CANVAS_TOP
when the zoom event is started.
Wed 11/8/04
Some handwritten notes on Dasher code are here