- capable of using both dimensions as information sources.
David MacKay
The idea is to embed the real line from 0 to 1 in two dimensions
by mapping it onto a Peano curve. (For those who care about names,
I'm told the particular Peano curve shown here is a
Hilbert curve.)
As an illustration of the potential benefits, the following image
compares the regular one-dimensional-dasher view of an English bigram model (left)
with the Peano view (right). Many more low-probability strings are visible.
Peano-dasher makes better use of screen real-estate.
Whether Peano-dasher will be useable remains to be seen.
Some more images illustrating the Peano concept, and zooming
The Dasher project is supported by the Gatsby Foundation and by the European Commission in the context of the AEGIS project - open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards)